Li, Nar, and Other Nonsenses
A Guide to Nicole and Suzanne Manifest Destiny
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hippies :)
You and I are kinda hippies, if you think about it. But neither of us are hippie-ish enough for one of the classes I'm taking next semester. I think every hippie in the world would kill to take this class, lol. The course description is below....

"This seminar explores our evolving understandings of the relations of mind and body. We will examine these topics in current Western psychology and neuroscience and Eastern mind/body practices, such as tai chi, acupressure, yoga and mindfulness meditation, as well as their interaction --as in the recent dialogue between neuroscientists, psychologists and the Dalai Lama. The seminar involves readings, discussions, meditations, a commitment to a 3 hours/week to a 'body-based' practice (e.g., aikido, yoga, Alexander Technique) and occasional outside speakers. "
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
An N Post
So apparently Daniel Radcliffe is gonna be in this new movie, which has a lame plot and whose only hope in being a hit is the fact that it has Danny looking schmexy. Picture below. Enjoy.

Monday, November 8, 2010
Online Forums
So today I got a call from an unknown source, so I googled it. It was of course some spam number, but lookie at the forum where people were discussing the number. It got into a pretty heated discussion, lol.

^^^^Click on the picture to see the forum, lolololol.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dum Da Dum Doi Doi

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Do you remember this?????

Cause I certainly don't, lol.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Did you ever notice that the Schomozy looks like a pacman ghost?

Oh and, I found my old fan page for the Schomozy. I didn't add a lot, but its still funny, so check it out:
Saturday, February 27, 2010
"The Group of People That We Don't Have a Name for Yet"
So lately we've been discussing a group of people that we have found to be on the rise lately. Because we couldn't think of a proper name for them, we've named them "that group of people that we don't have a name for " by default. Because this is now an official category of people, I decided that we should lay down the general characteristics of these people. I am in close contact with this category of people on almost a daily basis so I will start the list and you can add to it what ever you think belongs there. Remember, to fit into this category a person does not need to fit all descriptions, just a majority of them.

- Really into video games and computer games, basically "gamers". The games that they're into are usually ones that are stereotypical "nerd" games; like Halo, World of Warcraft, ect. These games usually involve signing online and interacting with people all over the world. These games are addictive and usually consume a person's life once they get really into it. When they play they're games, they devote entire days to them and sit in the same room for hours on end, completely dead to the outside world. Also, these people are often into Nintendo games, like Super Smashbrothers, but those are usually played on the side and are not life-consuming addictions.

- Bad taste in clothing. You can usually find them wearing a shirt that is from some kind of video game (for example a picture of a mushroom from Mario that says "1-up" on the back). Or they will wear shirts with stupid, not funny phrases on them. They often times wear the same clothing for days at a time, usually due to the fact that they do not regularly bathe.

- Poor or unusual sleeping/eating habits. These kids stay up to like 5 am (on weekdays and weekends) and sleep until about 1 or 2 in the afternoon. They stay up late because they're playing WOW, not because they're studying or doing anything else productive. When they eat, they go all out and order extra-large pizzas with wings and cheesy bread. After they eat it all, the boxes from it stay littered around their rooms (or dorms). This adds to their over-all low level of personal cleanliness.

- Sense of humor that includes Japanese video game mistranslations, obscure movie quotes, references to Adult Swim television shows and other things that the general public does not understand or care about. Usually, one of them will randomly break into a 5 minute-long quote form some old movie and the rest of them will join in, so that other people that they're with and everybody else around them stares at them with "what are they talking about" expressions, giving them the attention that they strive for. When they're trying to be funny, they maintain a serious, sober expression, so you don't know if they're joking or not. This adds to the witty sarcasm that they claim to possess and their self-satisfaction with the fact that they possess an intelligence level that is above everybody around them and an uncanny ability to latch onto things that are outside of the mainstream of popular culture. Because apparently, being obscure equates to personal intelligence. They look down upon people who follow trends, but really, they're only conforming to different sub-level of popular culture. A culture that strives to be set apart, but is really the same as "mainstream culture" because of its wide-spread cult-like following.

- Poor social graces. These guys are horrible with making friends with people that aren't just like them, and are even worse with girls. Therefore, they only date girls that also fit into this category and are only friends with their own kind. They attempt to act like they're outcasts because people don't understand them, but in reality, they push people away with their eccentric behavior and odd sense of smugness.

- Weird taste in music. They only listen to Japanese techno music, video game soundtracks, Weird Al or any other obscure band that nobody in the United States listen to. They have a fondness for music that is in different languages (usually German, Japanese or Russian).

- Mild interest in Anime, although this isn't as uniform as the other factors. There is, however, a large attraction to Pokemon, mostly because of it's widely-held association with nerdiness. There is a common practice of collecting Pokemon cards, playing Pokemon on Gameboy and owning Pokemon merchandise (T-shirts, blankets, underwear, figurines, stuffed animals, ect).

- Weird hobbies. These include: card games (Magic Cards, Pokemon, ect), Rubix cubes, building things out of Connex (spelling?), collecting comic books, basically anything considered by most to be "uncool"

- Obsession with Adult Swim

- Obsession over internet crazes, usually YouTube videos that are overplayed and not that amusing. They like to find YouTubes that other people haven't seen yet, but once they find them, they become just as popular as all the other ones, defeating the original purpose. These videos often play into their sense of humor, as they will quote them whenever a situation arises that is relates even remotely to the video.

- HUGE use of the word "fail", both as a noun and an adjective. For example: "You FAIL!", "Epic Fail!", "*place any object or action* Fail", "You will fail!", you get the idea. You can make the word fit into almost any scenario.

- Use of the word "win" as the opposite of "fail". Also used as several different parts of grammar and in a wide range of situations.

- Extreme talent in the Guitar Hero, Rock Band and other similar games. This is due to the fact that it is one of the only things they do.

- General laziness.

- Self-proclaimed nerdiness. However, they are usually not stripey at all, and often times do poorly in school. They're "Nerddom" is in reference to social acceptance, not academic achievement. However, they're life goal is to fit the stereotype of "nerd" or "gamer", so they're not nerdy by nature, it is done on their own account. However, they tend to be fact books when it comes to history, usually military history.

- Obsession with zombies and zombie invasions. They read stupid blogs entitled "What to do in case of a zombie invasion" and take stupid Facebook quizzes that are called "How long would you survive in a zombie attack". Yeah, I don't get it.

- Like of rap music, but mostly to be funny and use quotes from said rap music to put on the air of "I pretend to be ghetto, even though I know I'm not, so that people will find me funny and ironic".

- Jewish/Nazi/Holocaust/Hitler jokes.

- Ginger, sexist (Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, woman!), racist, homophobic and other "I can't believe he just said that!" jokes. Mostly, if not always for shock value.

- Occasional drinkers or pot smokers, but straight edge for the most part

- Trips to comic book conventions

- Use of phrases like "I hate stupid people" or "Stupid people should be sterilized" although they themselves are not that intelligent.

- Obsession of popular websites such as: LOL cats and dogs, Failblog, FML, TFLN, and MLIA. They enjoy posting these things on each other's Facebook walls or using them as statuses.

- Usually at least a mild liking for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek and other sci-fi phenomenons. They do, almost uniformly, hate Twilight though.

- Use of photoshop to make pictures that make fun of their friends or political figures. Their specialties include adding penises to pictures or making the person in the picture depict Hitler in some fashion.

That's all I can think of for now, add some that I have missed!